B. Enter School Contact Information

Choose a school staff member who will act as the school contact for PISA. The designated school contact will receive all communications and materials related to PISA.

Enter the school contact’s name, position/title, phone number (including area code and extension, if applicable), and email address.

Verify that the school contact’s phone number and email address have been entered correctly, since these will be used as the main methods of communication with CMEC.

RECOMMENDED: Enter at least one additional person from the school to be copied on all future electronic communications. The person may be a teacher of the selected students, the vice principal, or any other staff member you foresee being involved in the administration of PISA at the school. Their email address can be entered in the corresponding field.

If, following submission of the form, you need to update the PISA school contact name and contact information, please inform CMEC at pisa@cmec.ca