Thank you for participating in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2025. PISA is a collaborative effort among member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In Canada, PISA is carried out through a partnership between Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) and the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC).
A sample of schools has been randomly selected in each Canadian province to participate in the PISA 2025 main study; the assessment must be administered sometime between April 21 and May 30, 2025, in each selected school.
Some facts about PISA:
- It is the world’s largest international assessment in education.
- Approximately 90 countries worldwide participate in the assessment.
- It is administered in all 10 Canadian provinces.
- It assesses 15-year-old students.
- The aim of PISA is to measure students’ competencies in science, mathematics, reading, and learning in the digital world.
Undertaking PISA is important because the results of the assessment are used to provide contextual information about educational practices in participating countries, notably to:
- allow a comparison of student performance and the learning environment among different countries/economies;
- identify areas for improvement over time by and in schools, education systems, and governments; and
- indicate how well prepared students in Canada are for life after school.
Click here for more information regarding the PISA assessment overall, its framework, and Canadian results from past cycles.
Sample PISA assessment items are available at:
Overview of Steps
You can click on any step or use the navigation panel to the left of the page for more detailed information.
For additional support, weekly live Q&A sessions will be available starting in January 2025. No registration required – drop in as needed. Click here to learn more.
This section provides instructions on how to complete the School Information Form.
The device verification step will allow us to determine the device and internet capacities of your school.
Click here to begin the device verification.
Click here for the assessment schedule.
Click here for information related to the participation of students with special education needs.
This section provides instructions on how to complete the Student Identification Form.
Click here to learn more about special education needs codes.
This section goes over the initial contact with the assigned test administrator(s).
The primary test administrator will contact your school to confirm the assessment date(s).
This section covers the testing room requirements for the assessment day.
Information about staff requirements on assessment day is also provided.
This section reviews the assessment materials that will be forwarded to the school contact.
Click here to view the list of forms that will be received.
This section covers the pre-assessment meeting with the test administrator, to take place at least two weeks prior to the assessment day.
Click here to access the PISA Brochure, the Parent/Guardian Letter, and the Student Letter.
This section covers the school questionnaire to be completed by the school principal.
- After the assessment, the test administrator will email the scanned forms to CMEC.
- The school contact will then be asked to complete the School Feedback Survey at their earliest convenience.
Note: If you require assistance at any stage of the process, please
click here to view our contact information.