Step 3: Oversee the Administration of PISA
A school staff member (e.g., teacher, guidance counsellor) must always be present in each assessment room to support the test administrator. Students should not be left alone with the test administrator.
The test administrator may require assistance to match each participating student to their corresponding Student Login Form. Alternatively, if the test administrator has set up a Student Login Form next to each device prior to the students’ arrival, the test administrator may require support in verifying that each student is seated at the device with their unique login form. School staff, however, are not permitted to administer the assessment nor respond to students’ questions related to the test or Student Questionnaire items. Only the test administrator should respond to such questions.
Maintaining Security and Confidentiality of Assessment Materials
Because PISA materials will be used in the future, their security is very important and must be maintained at all times.
- Neither you nor any school staff may look at students’ device screens during or after the assessment or questionnaires.
- DO NOT copy the assessment materials in any way and under any circumstances. Do not allow others to do so.
- Help ensure that students do not photograph the materials with their cellphones or other electronic devices. Cellphones and other personal electronic devices should be put away before the assessment and should not be accessible to students for the duration of the assessment.
- The assessment room should be under supervision at all times, including for scheduled breaks. If students and supervisory staff leave the room for a scheduled break, the room should be locked.
- If the test administrator reports any missing assessment materials, please assist them in locating them.