School Contact Checklist
As soon as possible and before March 2025:
2 to 3 weeks before the assessment date:
- Receive test administrator (TA) call/email: confirm assessment date(s) and schedule a pre-assessment meeting.
- Reserve assessment room(s) and equipment for each session.
- Allocate staff for assessment day, including the IT specialist, if possible, for assistance setting up devices and troubleshooting.
- Receive assessment forms by email, print forms, and store them in a secure location at your school.
- Provide the school principal or designate with the School Questionnaire Login Form.
- During the pre-assessment meeting with the primary TA go through the Pre-assessment Meeting Checklist.
- Prepare and distribute the student and parent/guardian letters using templates found online or provided by the department/ministry of education.
A week before the assessment date:
- Remind students of the assessment date and location a few days prior to the assessment day. If possible, present the PISA informational video to students, which explains the value of participating.
- Set aside extra paper, pens, pencils, and calculators for students to use on assessment day, as well as some books/magazines for students who finish the assessment early.
Before the assessment:
- Meet with the TA(s) at least one hour before the assessment start time.
- Review Student Tracking Form with the TA(s).
- Set up room, materials, and devices with the TA(s) and IT support staff.
After the assessment:
- Meet with the TA(s) and complete the following:
- Discuss how the assessment administration went.
- Secure all test materials until next session, if applicable.
- Once all groups have participated in the assessments, determine whether a makeup session is required and set a date, if applicable.
Once the assessment has been fully administered:
- Review all completed assessment forms with the TA(s) before they return them to CMEC.
- If applicable, assist the TA in returning all loan laptops to CMEC, using the waybill provided.
- Confirm completion of the School Questionnaire. NB: the questionnaire must be completed online by the assessment date or by May 31, 2025, at the latest.
- Complete the School Feedback Survey.
Click here to download a printable version of the School Contact Checklist.