Step 2: Complete Student Identification Form

NOTE TO ONTARIO SCHOOLS: You will receive instructions from EQAO regarding how to identify/verify students with special education needs, students who will participate in the UH test, and the language of assessment for each student.

The Student Identification Form (SIDF) lists all students selected to participate in PISA.

In addition to providing schools with the list of selected students, the purpose of the Student Identification Form is for schools:

  • to identify students with special education needs and indicate if they will participate in the regular test or the UH test. Depending on the province and school size, this information may have been previously provided by the school on the School Information Form (step 1); and
  • to verify the language of the assessment for each student. Generally, the language in which students will complete the assessment corresponds to the language of science instruction. However, your provincial contact may provide you with additional guidance on how to complete this column for students in immersion classes. If you need to change the language of the assessment for a student, please input the correct language code.

IMPORTANT: After this form has been submitted, changes cannot be made regarding the language of the assessment nor UH test participation. So it is very important that this information is completed accurately for each student at this stage.

Information on special education needs (SEN) codes, authorized adaptations, the UH test, and guidelines on participation is available at Students with Special Education Needs. Please review this information carefully before assigning any SEN or UH test codes to students.

If your school has previously identified students with special education needs and indicated which of them will participate in the UH test, simply:

  • ·verify that the existing SEN codes and UH test participation codes on the form are accurate; and
  • return the form to CMEC at

If the relevant information regarding students with special education needs is not on the Student Identification Form, please:

  • complete the SEN column: identify students with special education needs with a respective SEN code (refer to SEN codes);
  • complete the UH test column: add “1” if a student will participate in the UH test or leave this column blank if the student will be participating in the regular assessment; and
  • return the form to CMEC at

Non-participating students will be identified at the pre-assessment meeting. Note that these students will not be removed from school assessment forms. Non-participating students are classified as follows: 

  • students who will not participate as a result a lack of appropriate accommodations (pending approval by CMEC);
  • students whose parents/guardians refuse their child’s participation in the assessment; or
  • students no longer enrolled in the school.