
Please thoroughly review the guidelines and examples below to select the appropriate participation option for any students assigned a special education needs (SEN) code.

Participation of students with special education needs
– guidelines and examples

SEN Code 1: Functional disability
The student has a moderate to severe permanent physical disability.

The student can understand the instructions and respond to the assessment, with or without the permitted accommodations.

The student can understand the instructions; however, their moderate to severe permanent physical disability is such that they cannot participate in the PISA testing situation.

Student should participate in the regular test or the UH test

Student cannot participate as a result of a lack of appropriate accommodations


SEN Code 2: Intellectual and/or socio-emotional disability

In the opinion of qualified staff, the student has a cognitive, behavioural, and/or socio-emotional disability.

The student can understand the instructions and respond to the assessment, with or without the permitted accommodations. The student should NOT be excluded solely because of poor academic performance or disciplinary problems.


The student has a cognitive, behavioural, or socio-emotional disability such that in the opinion of qualified staff, they cannot participate in the PISA testing situation. Students who are deemed cognitively, behaviourally, or emotionally unable to follow even the instructions of the assessment should also not participate.


Student should participate in the regular test or the UH test

Student cannot participate as a result of to lack of appropriate accommodations


SEN Code 3: Limited assessment language experience
The student is not a native speaker of the language of the assessment and has limited proficiency in this language.


If the student does not meet ALL three criteria listed in the adjacent “Student not participating as a result of a lack of appropriate accommodations” column, then they will participate in the regular assessment.


The student meets ALL three of the following criteria:

  1. is not a native speaker in the assessment language; and
  2. has limited proficiency in the assessment language; and
  3. has received less than one year of instruction in the assessment language.

Student should participate in the regular test or the UH test

Student cannot participate as a result of a lack of appropriate accommodations