F. Select Preferred Assessment Dates

Note: In schools with 42 or fewer students born in 2009, all listed students will be selected to participate in PISA. In schools with more than 42 students born in 2009, a total of 42 of these students will be randomly selected to participate in the assessment.

All students born in 2009 will be selected to participate in Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan francophone system schools.

PISA will be administered sometime between April 21 and May 30, 2025, in all selected schools. Consult the Regular Assessment Schedule and the UH Test Schedule and record three preferred dates on which PISA could be administered in your school.

Enter three preferred assessment start dates for three possible blocks of time in the school. Depending on the number of selected students, testing room size, and number of compatible devices in the school, students may need to be divided into groups, and multiple assessment sessions may need to be scheduled on consecutive school days. For the purposes of the form, please input only the preferred start dates for three different possible blocks of time. The start dates should all be from different weeks, if possible.

When selecting the assessment dates, please note the following:

  • Both parts of the test and the Student Questionnaire must be administered to students on the same day, with a short break in between (refer to Regular Assessment Schedule and the UH Test Schedule). If required, the test may be administered in the morning and the Student Questionnaire in the afternoon.
  • To maximize participation, ensure that no other school events (for example, sport days, excursions) are planned to take place on the proposed dates.
  • Up to two test administrators may be assigned for schools in which 20 or more students are participating in the assessment. In such cases, two groups may participate simultaneously in different rooms.
  • The UH test cannot be administered in the same room at same time as a regular session is taking place. The UH test must be administered as a separate session (i.e., at a different time or in a different room).
  • For schools who require loan laptops, CMEC will ship out a maximum of 20 laptops for the assessment.
  • If the student participation rate does not reach 85 percent, a makeup session will be necessary. Please plan to schedule the makeup session for the day immediately following the last planned assessment session. It is strongly recommended that you also keep the day following the last assessment session in your school available in case a makeup session is necessary.
  • A school staff member (e.g., teacher, guidance counsellor) must be present in each assessment room with the test administrator(s). It is also strongly recommended that the school’s or school board’s IT specialist be present on the assessment day to help the test administrator with setting up devices and troubleshooting, if necessary (e.g., in case there are internet connectivity issues).


The test administrator(s) will contact the school contact in March/April to confirm the assessment date(s). The test administrator(s) assigned to your school will do their best to accommodate one of the preferred dates indicated on the form. However, dates may need to be adjusted based on the availability of the test administrator(s) and/or the loan laptops. Test administrators are assigned to multiple schools and may not be available on your preferred dates. In that case, the test administrator(s) will work with you to find other suitable date options. Please do not communicate the assessment dates to school staff or students until they have been discussed and confirmed with the test administrator(s).

Indicate every date for which no staff will be present at the school to ensure that equipment is not sent when the school is closed. Do not include normally unstaffed days, such as weekends.



All sections of the assessment must be administered on the same day.




Setting up testing room and logging in to each assessment-designated device

At least 60 minutes for test administrator only (before students’ arrival and depending on number of students)

Assigning students to their devices, logging in to the assessment, introducing the test, and preparing for Part 1

15 minutes

Part 1 of PISA test

About 70 minutes

Short break

5 minutes

Part 2 of PISA test

About 70 minutes


15 minutes or lunch break (depending on school schedule)

Student Questionnaire

35–45 minutes (varies by province)

Submitting data, ending session

5 minutes

Packing up, resetting the room

30 minutes for test administrator only (after students are dismissed)

Total (minimum time)

Test administrator/room time: 5 hours and 5 minutes


Student time: 3 hours and 35 minutes



All sections of the assessment must be administered on the same day.




Setting up testing room and logging in to each assessment-designated device

At least 60 minutes for test administrator only (before students’ arrival and depending on number of students)

Assigning students to their devices, logging in to the assessment, introducing the test, and preparing for Part 1

15 minutes

Part 1 of PISA test

35 minutes (may be extended by 20 minutes if needed)

Short break

15 minutes (or as determined by the school contact)

Part 2 of PISA test

35 minutes (may be extended by 20 minutes if needed)


15 minutes or lunch break (depending on school schedule)

Introducing the UH Student Questionnaire  5 minutes

Student Questionnaire

20 minutes (may be extended by 10 minutes if needed)

Submitting data, ending session

5 minutes

Packing up/resetting the room

30 minutes for test administrator only (after students are dismissed)

Total (minimum time)

Test administrator/room time: 3 hours 55 minutes


Student time: 2 hours 25 minutes