Step 5: Receive Assessment Materials

At least two weeks prior to the start assessment date, the school contact will receive an email containing the electronic assessment forms.

If the school contact has not received the assessment forms by five business days before the school’s start assessment date or if any forms are missing, they should contact immediately.

The school contact is responsible for the security and safe storage of the assessment forms at all times. The assessment materials must not be given to or shared with anyone, except the test administrator, on assessment day. They must not be duplicated or displayed in any way.

Once the school contact receives the forms, they should:

  • print all forms (one copy of the Student Tracking Form and the Session Report Form for each group that will be assessed);
  • keep all forms secured;
  • review all forms with the primary test administrator during the pre-assessment meeting; and
  • give the School Questionnaire Login Form and the School Questionnaire Manual to the school principal so they can complete the questionnaire.

The school contact will receive the following forms:

Student Tracking Form

The Student Tracking Form lists all students selected for the assessment. It will be completed by the test administrator during each assessment session. The test administrator will use this form to record student participation. 

Session Report Form

On the Session Report Form, the test administrator will be asked to document the timing of the assessment session and answer a few questions on any special circumstances or problems that may have occurred during the assessment administration.  

Student Participation Rates Form

The Student Participation Rates Form is used to calculate and document the student participation rate for each session to determine if a makeup session is necessary. Makeup sessions should be administered if less than 85 percent of the students in the selected class were present during the assessment session.

Student Login Form

Each participating student will receive a login form stating their name, ID, and password. Students will use these credentials to log in to the test and the Student Questionnaire.

School Questionnaire Login Form

School principals will be provided with a personalized login form to access their respective questionnaire. See step 8 for information on the School Questionnaire.

School Questionnaire Manual

The School Questionnaire Manual describes how to complete the School Questionnaire. It also provides some of the questions included in the School Questionnaire for preparation purposes.