
As per international standards, only certain accommodations are permitted:

Permitted accommodations Accommodations not permitted

Auditory amplification (AUD)

This is an earpiece, microphone, speaker, or other amplification device that allows students with auditory impairments better access to the directions that are read aloud to students. This would be provided in a way that does not affect or distract other students.

Multiple sittings

Completing Part 1 of the test on one day and Part 2 on another day is not permitted. In addition, all students should complete the Student Questionnaire on the same day as the test.


Special equipment

The following equipment is permitted:

  • Lighting devices
  • Straightedge (but not a ruler), overlay, or template
  • Special writing tool or pencil grip
  • Preferential seating
  • Large-screen calculator
  • Study carrel


Bilingual dictionary or glossary of mathematics or science terminology

A bilingual dictionary or glossaries of mathematics or science terminology are not permitted for PISA.


Extended time

Only students participating in the UH test may be provided with additional allotted time. A maximum of 20 minutes may be added to each 35-minute part of the assessment.

Extended time

The PISA regular assessment does not permit extended time.

Small group

A typical small-group session includes no more than five students.



PISA does not allow scribing.



This accommodation permits a student to be assessed individually in a separate room or an area free of distractions.


Text-reader software
Assistive technology that reads digital text aloud, such as Chromevox, NVDA, or VoiceOver, are not permitted.

Cueing to stay on task

Cueing students to say on task is prohibited.

Sign-language communication of instructions

This accommodation permits a qualified sign-language interpreter at the school to sign the instructions that are included in the session script for the student.

Sign-language communication or reading aloud of test questions

Neither signing, nor reading aloud the test questions to students is permitted.