G. Complete List of Students

NOTE TO NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, ONTARIO, AND SASKATCHEWAN: You do not need to review this section. Student data will be provided to CMEC by your ministry/department of education (or EQAO for Ontario schools).

List ALL students in your school who were born between January 1 and December 31, 2009, and are enrolled at the Grade 7/Secondary I level or higher. Each of the following columns must be filled out for each student:

  1. Student First and Last Name: Input the full name [First Name] [Last Name] of each student in your school born in 2009 who is enrolled at the Grade 7/Secondary I level or higher.
  2. Grade: Input the grade level of each student listed. Please use the corresponding grade-level system for your province (e.g., 10 for Grade 10, 4 for Secondary IV).
  3. Sex: Input the sex of each student, as per one of the following options: F = Female; M = Male; O = Other.
  4. Birth Date: Input the birth date of each student listed in the respective columns (MM/DD/YYYY).
  5. Language of Instruction of Science: Input the language of instruction of science of each listed student: En = English; Fr = French.

    Note: Generally, the language in which students will complete the assessment corresponds to the language of science instruction. However, your provincial contact may provide you with additional guidance on how to complete this column for students in immersion classes.

  6. Instruction mode: Input the mode of instruction.
    The codes to indicate the instruction mode of each student are as follows:
    • L = Online
    • P = In-person
    • H = Hybrid (this code should be used for students who are participating in both online and in-person instruction.)

      If the default instruction mode is incorrect, change the instruction mode by typing in the correct code.

  7. Special Education Needs (SEN):

    Information on special education needs (SEN) codes, authorized accommodations, the UH test, and guidelines on participation is available at Students with Special Education Needs. Please review this information carefully before completing this section.

    If more than 42 students are listed on the form: do not complete the two columns under the Special Education Needs (SEN) section (column 7). This information will be collected under the Student Identification Form (see step 2).
    If there are 42 students or fewer listed on the form: complete the two columns under the Special Education Needs (SEN) section (column 7) for the applicable students as follows:
    SEN Code column:
    • Code 1 Functional disability
    • Code 2 Cognitive, behavioural, or socio-emotional disability
    • Code 3 Limited assessment language experience
    UH Test column: Add a “1” in this column if the student will be writing the shorter (one-hour) version of the test. Leave blank if they will be participating in the regular test or not participating at all.

Finally, return the form to your ministry/department by following their instructions.