Supervise the Assessment Session
The test administrator should observe the following general rules during the test administration:
- Answering questions:
- Do not answer questions about the content of the test items or provide any specific information, answers, or instructions about any test item. The teacher of the students may be present during the testing session; they should be instructed not to answer any questions students may have.
- Be sure that all students understand what they are to do and know how to record their answers. You may answer students’ questions about these matters.
- School materials:
- Students may not use calculators. Students will have access to an on-screen ruler in the TIMSS Player for items that involve measuring. External rulers are not permitted.
- Make sure that, for the duration of the testing session, students have stored away all of their school books/notes and any electronic devices, except for the devices used for the TIMSS administration.
- Students finishing early, leaving, or coming late:
- If a student has completed Part 1 or Part 2 of the test before the time allowed is up, they may use the time to review their answers to the items within that part of the test. It is highly advisable for students to remain in the assessment room until the allocated time is over. Items for quiet activity (e.g., materials for individual work, books) should be readily available for students who finish TIMSS early.
- If a student needs to leave early, leave the TIMSS Player running on their device until the end of the session; submit their responses, as described in the next subsection; record the student as being present on the Student Tracking Form; and leave a comment on the Session Report Form explaining the reason why the student left the session. Their device should be secured at all times.
- If a student leaves the session and returns, they can continue answering the questions, unless the time on the on-screen clock is already up.
- If a student refuses to participate, record the incident on the Session Report Form.
- No latecomers should be admitted to the session once the actual testing has begun (that is, once the students have received the password for the assessment directions, and you have begun reading the instructions).
- If a student arrives during the break after Part 1 and before Part 2 has begun, they may participate in Part 2 of the test. Please make sure to lead the student through the directions during the break. Then you should log into Part 1 and click through the Part 1 content, leaving all responses blank, until you reach the Part 2 login screen. The student should then use the Part 2 test generic password. They should be recorded as present for the test on the Student Tracking Form, and an explanatory note should be recorded on that form.
- Problems (administrative or technical):
- Make note of any problems encountered during the assessment administration on the Session Report Form. When the issue pertains to a specific student, record their name and student ID along with a description of the situation.