Due to international norms, only certain accommodations are permitted:
Permitted accommodations |
Not permitted accommodations |
Auditory amplification (AUD)
This is an earpiece, microphone, speaker, or other amplification device that allows students with auditory impairments better access to the directions that are read aloud to students. This would be provided in a way that does not affect or distract other students.
Multiple sittings
Completing Part 1 of the test on one day and Part 2 on another day in not permitted. In addition, all students need to complete the Student Questionnaire on the same day as the test.
Extended time
The timing of the assessment can be adjusted to provide extended time to students as an accommodation.
Note that the on-screen timer function in the TIMSS Player may be disabled for students with special needs who require more time to complete the assessment; to do so, add an asterisk (*) at the end of the student’s password (e.g., 42840*) when logging the student in. This option will allow the student to continue working on the test after the allocated time for the test is reached.
- Online dictionary
- Multilingual dictionary
Students with limited experience in the language of the assessment may use a unilingual paper dictionary.
Small group
Generally, a small-group session includes no more than five students.
This accommodation requires that a student be assessed individually in a separate room or an area free of distractions.
Special equipment
Special equipment includes the following:
- lighting devices
- study carrels
Sign-language communication of instructions
This accommodation permits a qualified sign-language interpreter at the school to sign the instructions that are included in the session script for the student.
In a one-on-one setting only, a student may dictate their responses to a scribe, who will type the answers.
Text-reader software
Assistive technology that reads digital text aloud, such as Chromevox, NVDA, or VoiceOver, is permitted, but these programs may not be compatible with the TIMSS Player. Please test the compatibility of your school's text-reader software using the TIMSS Mini-Player.