Step 4: Complete the Student Tracking Form
The TIMSS Student Tracking Form, which lists all students in the selected class, is very important to the assessment administration. The test administrator is responsible for completing the form on assessment day.
Once CMEC receives the assessment data, the information recorded on the Student Tracking Form is verified against assessment data uploaded for each student. The school will be contacted in the case of any missing or inaccurate information.
Watch this video to learn about the completion of the Student Tracking Form.
Click here to preview a sample of a completed Student Tracking Form.
You should complete the following columns of the Student Tracking Form (note that you should not complete the “Birth Date” and “Sex” columns):
Special Education Needs (SEN)
Information the school provided on the Student Identification Form in regards to students with special education needs is reflected in this column of the Student Tracking Form. Special education needs codes should be updated in case a student’s situation has changed. Please consult Student with Special Education Needs for a list of SEN codes and permitted accommodations.
Participation Status
The column dedicated to recording student participation status is divided into two sections, one for the “Regular Session” and the other for the “Makeup Session.” Each of these is divided into two columns, one for the test and one for the Student Questionnaire. Both the Test and Questionnaire columns under “Regular Session” must be filled out with a participation code for each student.
If a student needs to leave early or arrives late, they should be recorded as present for the corresponding section of the assessment (test or questionnaire).
When a makeup session is held, the columns “Test” and “Questionnaire” under the “Makeup Session” heading must also be completed for each student who was absent from the regular session.
Participation codes are as follows:
Code P |
Student participated in the session. (A student should be marked as having participated even if they were present during only one of the two segments of the testing session.) |
Code A |
Student was absent from the session. |
Code SA |
Student participated in the session with special accommodation. |
Code R |
Parental refusal of student’s participation. |
Code L |
Student is permanently enrolled in remote learning for the 2022/23 school year. |
Code NA |
Student left the school permanently. |
Session Number
The session number must be recorded for each student who participated. In order to assess all students in a class, more than one session may be administered. The session number reflects which session each student attended. The session number for students who participated in the initial regular session is “1”; the session number for students who participated in a subsequent session, either a regular or a makeup session, is “2.”
Enter the date of the assessment administration for each student who participated. If a student participated in a makeup session, the date entered for them should be the date of the makeup session. Please ensure dates are accurately recorded to reflect the actual date of the assessment administration.
New Students in the Class
It is possible that a new student, whose name was not submitted on the Student Identification Form, is participating in the assessment. Before they log in, the test administrator will have provided them with one of the three extra Student Login Forms included in the “Student Login Forms” file received by email. (The last three login forms in the file are anonymous and are provided for new students.)
You will need to add each new student to the Student Tracking Form. On the Student Tracking Form, please record their name, birth date, and sex beside the line number that corresponds with the line number on their Student Login Form. You will find this number at the top of the Student Login Form. For example, if the new student’s line number is 11 on the Student Login Form, then enter their name, birth date, and sex in line number 11 of the Student Tracking Form. The line number on both forms must match. (Do not worry about locating the new student’s provincial number.) A spare Home Questionnaire Login Form with the corresponding line number should also be provided to the parent/guardian of the student.