Step 7: Hold a Makeup Session (if Applicable)
If the student participation rate in the school does not reach 90 percent for any of the selected classes, a makeup session is required. The makeup session should be held for all absent students as soon as possible after the initial assessment session. One makeup session can be held for all participating students in the school who were absent during the regular assessment session. Only students who are from the originally selected class or classes and who are listed on the Student Tracking Form should participate. No substitutions of students are allowed. The same procedures as those for the regular session apply to the makeup session.
The test administrator should report the participation of the students who were present during the makeup session on the Student Tracking Form, under the “Makeup Session” heading, in both the “Test” and “Questionnaire” columns, along with the date of the makeup session in which they participated. The test administrator should also complete a new Session Report Form for the makeup session.