Step 1: Return Forms to CMEC
After the assessment administration is finished, all data have been uploaded, and the assessment materials have all been accounted for, completed versions of the following forms should be scanned and returned to CMEC by email at
- Student Tracking Form(s);
- Session Report Form(s);
- Student Participation Rates Form(s); and
- School and Teacher Questionnaire Tracking Form.
All login forms, the Home Questionnaire returned slips, as well as the Assessment Script should be shredded.
To convert forms to PDF, the school’s photocopier or a free cellphone PDF conversion app may be used.
The physical forms should be securely stored. Once CMEC has received and verified all the data for the school, the school contact will be notified. If errors are detected, the school contact will be asked to provide an explanation. If no errors are detected, the school contact will be asked to shred the forms.