List of Classes
List all the Grade 4 language arts classes in the school, if applicable. If your school does not assign students to language arts classes, list all the Grade 4 classes based on the selection criteria established by your ministry/department of education (e.g., homeroom). Each of the following columns must be filled out for each class:
- Class name: Type the class name that your school usually uses to label the classes which have Grade 4 students (e.g., 4a, 4b; 4.1, 4.2; Room 7, Room 8).
- Grade: the grade level (4) will be populated automatically.
- Number of students: Input the number of Grade 4 students in each class. If the class is a multigrade class, input only the number of Grade 4 students in the class. For example, if there is a Grade 4 and Grade 5 multigrade class with 12 Grade 4 students and 10 Grade 5 students, input 12 as the number of students for this class.
- Class exemption: An entire class may be exempted only if all the students in the class have special education needs that prevent them from participating. In that case, list the class and add the appropriate exemption code in this column (see Class Exemption) . All class-level exemptions will be reviewed and approved by CMEC.
- Language: This column is prepopulated to show the language of the school system to which the school belongs. The language in which the assessment will be administered will be identified in the Student Identification Form.
- Instruction mode: The codes to indicate the instruction mode of each class are as follows:
- O = Online
- P = In-person
- M = Mixed (this code should be used for classes in which students are participating in both online and in-person instruction.)
If the default instruction mode is incorrect, change the instruction mode for the class by typing in the correct code.
Please leave the section entitled “Notes from the Ministry/Department” blank. This section is designated for ministry/department use only.