
G20 Education Ministerial Meeting and the Education and Joint Education and Employment Ministerial Meeting - Report of the Canadian Delegation

The G20 Education Ministerial Meeting and the Joint Education and Employment Ministerial Meeting were hosted by the government of Argentina, the 2018 G20 president. The meetings brought together education ministers and leaders from around the world to discuss best practices in curriculum reform, teacher training, innovative education strategies, and education financing, both domestic and international. The report of the Canadian delegation captures these discussions.

Categories: Access to Learning, Adult Education, Civic and Citizenship Education, Diversity, Elementary and secondary education, Equity, Inclusive Education, International Organizations and Meetings, Learning outcomes, Skills training, Teachers and teaching, Priorities and goals in education

2018 OECD Skills Summit, June 28–29, 2018, Porto, Portugal

This report contains the main highlights of the June 2018 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Skills Summit, which was co-organized by the OECD and the government of Portugal. Exploring the theme of “skills for a digital world,” the summit focused on three main areas: risks and opportunities in a digital world; rethinking education and lifelong learning policies; and better skills policies for tomorrow’s world. Participants discussed the impact of digitalization on workplaces, what governments are doing to ensure that citizens are equipped with the skills they need to participate effectively in an increasingly digitalized world, and how institutional policies can be redesigned to be more responsive to the challenges and opportunities of a digitized world.

Categories: Civic and Citizenship Education, Early childhood education, Elementary and secondary education, Enrolment and graduation, Information and Communication Technologies, International Organizations and Meetings, Learner transitions, Learning outcomes, Lifelong learning, Postsecondary education, Skills training, Technical and vocational education, Priorities and goals in education

Education Commission of the 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference - Report of the Canadian Delegation

This report contains the main outcomes of the 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference held in November 2017, along with the interventions made by the Canadian delegation to the Education Commission.

At the 39th Education Commission meeting, members set priorities and adopted the 2018–19 education budget. The commission also addressed other issues, including a global convention for the recognition of higher-education qualifications, and UNESCO’s role in the implementation of the SDG4-Education 2030 Agenda.

Categories: Adult Education, Civic and Citizenship Education, Foreign credential recognition, Inclusive Education, International Organizations and Meetings, Lifelong learning, Technical and vocational education, Priorities and goals in education

Canada's response to the Sixth Consultation on the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1974)

This report is in response to the request from UNESCO that its Member States complete a questionnaire on the application of the Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1974 Recommendation). The aim of UNESCO's 1974 Recommendation is to promote world peace through international understanding, solidarity, and cooperation, and it is applicable to formal, non-formal, and informal education at all levels, from pre-primary to higher education, adult education, and lifelong learning. Canada's response was developed by CMEC in collaboration with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCU).

Categories: Civic and Citizenship Education, International Organizations and Meetings, Teaching tools and resources

Education Commission of the 38th Session of the UNESCO General Conference, Paris, France, November 4–7, 2015

This report contains the main outcomes of the 38th Session of the UNESCO General Conference held in November 2015, along with the interventions made by the Canadian delegation to the Education Commission. The 38th session focused on a variety of issues, including the commission's 2016–17 budget; the Education 2030 agenda; preparation of a global convention on the recognition of higher-education qualifications; and two recommendations: one on adult education and one on technical and vocational education and training.

Categories: Adult Education, Civic and Citizenship Education, Foreign credential recognition, Inclusive Education, International Organizations and Meetings, Lifelong learning, Technical and vocational education, Priorities and goals in education

Education Commission of the 37th Session of the UNESCO General Conference, Paris, France, November 7–9, 2013

This report contains the main outcomes of the 37th Session of the UNESCO General Conference held in November 2013, along with interventions by the Canadian delegation at the Education Commission. The 37th session focused on a variety of issues, including the 2014-17 budget for the commission, Education beyond 2015, the potential global standard-setting instrument on the recognition of higher-education qualifications, and the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development post-2014 – Global Action Programme.

Categories: Adult Education, Civic and Citizenship Education, Education data and research, Education for sustainable development, Foreign credential recognition, International Organizations and Meetings, Literacy, Technical and vocational education

Report on the PCERA 1999 Pan-Canadian Research Agenda Symposium

In early August 1998, CESC circulated a request for proposals to the education research community. Researchers were asked to write a proposal to develop a 6000-word paper that both reviewed the current state of research and proposed research questions for a pan-Canadian agenda on any one of the priority subjects that constituted the PCERA. Twelve papers were completed and presented at the PCERA Symposium.

Categories: Civic and Citizenship Education, Diversity, Education data and research, Equity, Information and Communication Technologies, Learning outcomes, Special needs students, Teachers and teaching

Meeting of the OECD Education Committee at Ministerial Level

The report of the Canadian delegation on the 2001 Meeting of the OECD Education Committee at Ministerial Level on "Investing in Competencies for All" provides details on the sessions dealing with information and communications technologies, lifelong learning and training for all, trade in services, developing innovative teaching and learning in schools, and promoting social values in schools.

Categories: Civic and Citizenship Education, Information and Communication Technologies, International Organizations and Meetings, Lifelong learning, Skills training

Report to UNESCO and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Human Rights Education: Report for Canada 2005–2009

At the request of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNESCO has asked member states to report on the first phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education, 2005–2009. CMEC and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO have collaborated to prepare the report for Canada covering the period from 2005 to 2009.The main sections of the report deal with policies and policy implementation, learning environments, teaching and learning processes and resources, and the training of school personnel.

Categories: Indigenous Education, Access to Learning, Civic and Citizenship Education, Curriculum, Diversity, Equity, Official languages, Special needs students, Teaching tools and resources

Canada's report on steps taken to apply the Declaration and the Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1995

This report is Canada's response to the request by the Director-General of UNESCO for information on steps taken by member states to apply the Declaration and the Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1995. The report covers topics such as citizenship, peace, human rights, global education, the atmosphere of educational institutions, educational materials, teacher training, the education of vulnerable groups and Aboriginal peoples, and related research and development.

Categories: Indigenous Education, At-risk students, Civic and Citizenship Education, Diversity, Equity, Inclusive Education