Ministers of education recognize that greater educational success will enable First Nation, Métis, and Inuit (FMNI) people to be active participants in their communities, strengthen their attachment to the labour force, and enable them to be better prepared for an increasingly knowledge-based economy.
The intent of this plan is to build on what has already been accomplished by CMEC and to provide practical tools and opportunities for interested jurisdictions to use in their respective efforts to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal citizens.
The CMEC Aboriginal Education Plan 2015–2017 includes work in the four specific areas listed below:
- Supporting the professional development of Aboriginal students interested in pursuing teaching as a career: considering teacher-training needs, sharing knowledge, and initiating dialogue among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal educators.
Note that the CMEC Aboriginal Educators' Symposium in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, on June 29–30, 2015, concluded very successfully. For additional details, click on:'-Symposium/index.html.
- Developing curriculum and teaching resources focused on Canadian history and the legacy of Indian Residential Schools for use in Bachelor of Education and teacher-education programs across Canada.
- Sharing resources and promising practices in Aboriginal education.
- Continuing to promote and encourage the development of resources that address the legacy and history of Indian Residential Schools within all K–12 education systems in Canada.
In July 2017, education ministers approved a new plan for 2016–19. More information on that plan will be forthcoming.
For additional information, please contact Christy R. Bressette, Coordinator, Aboriginal Education, CMEC Secretariat, at