
Promoting Equality of Educational Opportunity: Canada Report for the UNESCO 10th Consultation of Member States on the Implementation of the Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education, 2017–20

This report is Canada’s response to the UNESCO 10th consultation of Member States on the measures taken to implement the Convention and Recommendation against Discrimination in Education, adopted by the UNESCO General Conference on December 14, 1960. The purpose of the convention and recommendation is not only the elimination of discrimination in education, but also the adoption of measures aimed at promoting equality of educational opportunities and treatment in this field. This 10th consultation covers the period from 2017 to 2020. This report summarizes the application of the recommendation in Canada for this period.

Categories: Diversity, Elementary and secondary education, Equity, Inclusive Education, School improvement

Business Case and Implementation Plan of a Pan-Canadian Credential Assessment Centre for Internationally Educated Teachers

During the course of 2020-21, under the leadership of the Registrars for Teacher Certification Canada (RTCC), members from participating provincial and territorial regulatory bodies for the teaching profession, met several times to develop a pan-Canadian approach for assessing the credentials and the language competency of internationally educated teachers. These discussions and pan-Canadian approaches served as the foundation for developing a business model that would sustainably support operations of the pan-Canadian qualifications assessment centre for internationally educated teachers

Categories: Foreign credential recognition, Teachers and teaching

Education Indicators in Canada: An International Perspective 2020

This report is produced as part of the Pan-Canadian Education Indicators Program (PCEIP). It allows readers to compare data for the provinces and territories with data for OECD countries. The indicators presented in this report are parallel to 11 of the indicators presented in the OECD publication Education at a Glance 2020.

Categories: Education data and research

Learn Canada 2020

Learn Canada 2020 is the framework that provincial and territorial ministers of education, through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, are using to enhance Canada's education systems, learning opportunities, and overall educational outcomes. The document presents the four pillars of lifelong learning: early childhood learning and development, elementary through high school, postsecondary education, and adult learning and skills training. Within the four pillars, ministers have identified eight specific activity areas and accompanying objectives. As well, the document includes statements on key partners and stakeholders and communication with Canadians.

Categories: Lifelong learning, Priorities and goals in education

A Framework for Statistics on Learning and Education in Canada

The Framework provides a multi-dimensional structure for organizing the pan-Canadian information needs on education and learning. It provides the topography for identifying information needs in the learning and education environment in Canada in a way that identifies the relevance of the information to the system as well as the interrelationships among pieces of information. The Framework addresses the scope of Canada Learn 2020, which is based on the vision of quality lifelong learning opportunities for all Canadians.

Categories: Adult Education, Early childhood education, Education data and research, Postsecondary education