Assessment Matters! is a series of policy-oriented research notes designed to explore educational issues in Canada and Canadian jurisdictions. These notes are based on the results of international and national assessment programs, including the Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP), the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).

Research Notes Currently Available

Issue 21 - Does How Science Is Taught Relate to Science Achievement in PISA?

Issue 20 - Changing Attitudes: Are High School Students More Passionate about Science?

Issue 19 - School Policies: How Do They Differ across Canadian Provinces?

Issue 18 - Characteristics of School Climate and Their Relation to Student Achievement

Issue 17 - Are You Smarter Than a Fourth Grader?

Issue 16 - How Do Canadian Youth Perceive Careers in the Trades?

Issue 15 - What Did You Have for Breakfast This Morning?

Issue 14 - PCAP 2016 – How is Grade 8 reading literacy assessed in PCAP?

Issue 13 - Paper-based and On-line Text: Implications for Pedagogy and Reading Success

Issue 12 - Bullying: What’s Happening in Our Schools?

Issue 11 - But Do They Know the Value of Money?

Issue 10 - Participation in Large-Scale Assessment Studies: What's in It for Me?

Issue 9 - Immigrants in Canada

Issue 8 - Science Resources for Teachers

Issue 7 - Homework Alert: How Much is Enough?

Issue 6 - How good are Canadian 15-year-olds at solving problems?

Issue 5 - What is the Potential for Boys to Catch Up to Girls in Reading?

Issue 4 - How Important Are Educational Expectations?

Issue 3 - Parental Engagement in Early Literacy and Numeracy Activities

Issue 2 - Toward Higher Equity in Canadian Education

Issue 1 - Assessing and Marking Student Performance in Canada